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Creation, Modification and Discontinuance of Academic and Vocational Degree and Certificate Programs

Email notifications to, 303-974-2489. Please send the following information:

For Degrees:

  • Program name
  • Degree level (i.e., Bachelor’s, Master’s, and etc.) and type of award (i.e., B.A., M.S., and etc.)
  • CIP code
  • Date of approval by governing board
  • Number of credit hours
  • Offered as 100% distance/online only?
  • For undergraduate degrees only: Fit with GT Pathways and 120 credit cap or justification why GT Pathways and 120 credit cap requirements should be waived

For Certificates:

  • Program name
  • CIP code
  • Certificate level. Choose one of the following IPEDS definitions:
    • 01 - Level 1 (undergraduate, 29 credits or less)
    • 02 - Level 2 (undergraduate, 30-59 credits)
    • 03 - Level 3 (undergraduate, between 2-4 years)
    • 04 - Postbaccalaureate (An award that requires completion of an organized program of study beyond the bachelor's. It is designed for persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree, but does not meet the requirements of a master's degree. NOTE: Even though Teacher Preparation certificate programs may require a bachelor's degree for admission, they are considered subbacalaureate undergraduate programs, and students in these programs are undergraduate students.)
    • 05 - Post-master's (An award that requires completion of an organized program beyond the master's degree, but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctor's level.)
  • Date of approval by governing board
  • Number of credit hours
  • Offered as 100% distance/online only?

For additional information, see:

  • CCHE Policy I, V: Creation, Modification and Discontinuance of Academic and Vocational Programs at Public Institutions of Higher Education
  • CCHE Policy I, P: Educator Preparation (Repealed August 7, 2023) 

State–supported institutions of higher education are generally not required to obtain approval from the state to create, modify or discontinue academic or vocational programs offered by the institution, so long as the creation, modification or discontinuance of the program is consistent with the institution’s statutory role and mission, per §23-1-107(1), Colorado Revised Statute. Exceptions to this rule are listed in Commission Policy I, V. Institutions should follow their normal process to ensure compliance with any Title IV, federal Gainful Employment, or accreditation requirements.