Postsecondary Access for High School Graduates
Each year the Department of Higher Education releases a report that follows Colorado's high school graduates into college and provides information on college enrollment, first-year college outcomes, concurrent enrollment and remedial education. The indicators are broken down by school district and, in a searchable database, by high school.
Concurrent Enrollment
States across the nation are implementing strategies to increase the success of high school students and ensure they are college and career ready. One successful strategy is concurrent enrollment, which provides high school students the opportunity to enroll in college courses. Colorado is a leader among states in the number of students participating in concurrent enrollment programs.
FAFSA Completion Project
Colorado’s FAFSA Completion Project provides FAFSA completion data to local educational agencies and designated entities. Completing a FAFSA is the only way for students to gain access to $150 billion available in federal student aid, and research suggests that 90% of high school graduates who complete the FAFSA enroll in postsecondary education.
The Colorado Department of Higher Education is committed to providing more analysis of issues and data related to P-20 alignment, postsecondary and workforce readiness and postsecondary access. If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact Michael Vente at