Resource Search
- Advisors LEAD is a professional development course designed to help Colorado's advisors increase their skills and competencies in four key areas: equity and inclusion-driven practices, math pathways literacy, purpose-driven advising, and effective virtual advising.…
- COSI provides multi-year grants throughout the state to provide funding toward programs that help prepare students for postsecondary education, as well as support them through completion. Annually approximately 20 postsecondary programs and 40 rural high school…
- The Division administers the Private Occupational School Act on behalf of the Governor appointed Private Occupational School Board, which meets monthly to approve new schools, school renewals, school programs and courses per the Act and Rules. To protect students against fraudulent and substandard…
- In 2020, the COSI Board approved the first Finish What You Started (FWYS) program (focused on adults 25+, Adams County residents, with some college, no degree), an outcomes-based contract providing bonus payments for services that increase enrollment, persistence,…