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August 28, 2020

Capital Construction

Lauren Gilliland, CDHE, presented a revised prioritized list of capital construction/renewal projects and a revised prioritized list of capital IT projects for the CCHE’s capital budget submission. She distributed the appeals institutions had made, along with staff responses. The FAA Committee voted to approve the list and recommend it to the full CCHE for a vote. Later in the meeting, Ms. Gilliland informed members that during the meeting, an institution had contacted her withdrawing a project and requesting its remaining projects be rescored. The FAA  members decided not to move forward with rescoring given the footnote to the governing board prioritization criteria stating prioritization may not be changed after initial submission.

Allocations to Higher Education through Funding Formula

Jason Schrock, CDHE, provided background information on the funding formula used to allocate state funding to public higher education institutions in the state. The new formula, adopted during the 2020 legislative session, is required to be used in state statute for the upcoming FY 2021-22 budget year. He indicated that the Department will be working with the Governor’s office on allocations through the funding formula for the Governor’s November 1 budget request to the state legislature. At this time, there is a substantial amount of uncertainty regarding the amount of state funding that will be allocated through the funding formula, though there is likely to be a reduction in funding levels for the budget request for FY 2021-22 from current year overall levels of state and federal funds as result of the current state budget shortfall.  Because of the uncertainty in funding levels, the Department is asking the Commission to recommend principles to utilize in developing formula allocations to institutions.

Emily Burns and Emma Fedorchuk, CDHE, discussed the broad functionality of the new funding allocation formula and introduced the preliminary principles to be discussed by the subcommittee members.

The Committee discussed their perspectives on the principles provided by staff. They indicated that the overarching principle should be that formula allocations be guided by maintaining student access and affordability. They also discussed whether adjustments to formula allocations to support institutions should be provided contingent upon the institutions meeting certain requirements, such as reporting on efforts to make progress in the Affordability Roadmap. The Committee also discussed the potential need for the state to provide assistance to financially vulnerable institutions that may be at risk of closure. The Committee asked that staff draft the principles discussed during the meeting to be distributed to Commissioners and institutions for feedback.