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- The Career Launch grant is designed to provide tuition support to students via matching funds for community scholarships so that tuition costs are not a barrier to entry, to reduce the currently unmanageable amount of student loan debt, and to create a…
- PLEASE NOTE: Due to the recent CDHE cybersecurity incident, the Reverse Transfer process has been significantly delayed. We are diligently working on a solution with the Colorado institutions of higher education and will provide updates when available. Thank you for your patience.Reverse Transfer…
- Individuals that wish to pursue a college degree and have been released from the Division of Youth Services (DYS) commitment facility within the last 5 years may be eligible for up to $5,000 each year toward the cost of education. Choose among many college and career path options, including a…
- COSI's Youth Mentorship Scholarship Program awarded grant funding to four organizations to provide scholarships to college students in exchange for mentorship services. In 2023, SB23-149 created the COSI youth mentorship assistance grant pilot program and…
- The Division administers the Private Occupational School Act on behalf of the Governor appointed Private Occupational School Board, which meets monthly to approve new schools, school renewals, school programs and courses per the Act and Rules. To protect students against fraudulent and substandard…
- The ECE Educator Scholarships are for ECE students to pursue dedicated coursework, certificates & degrees up to a master's.CDHE allocates funds to participating schools. The ECE department at each school in collaboration with their financial aid office, will decide which of their students…
- Through regional and state-to-state student access programs, students may gain affordable access to institutions in another state.
- Colleges and universities have the responsibility to promote student success beyond just the classroom by providing students with basic needs such as food, housing, and financial stability. Though schools want the best for their students, many can be met by financial or capacity barriers when…