The Colorado Re-Engaged (CORE) Initiative enables four-year institutions in Colorado to award an earned associate degree to eligible students who have stopped-out from a baccalaureate program after earning at least 70 credit hours. In enacting the supporting legislation, the Colorado Legislature recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic forced many students – particularly those from low-income communities – to stop attending the state’s colleges and universities before attaining a bachelor’s degree. These stop-out students have invested a significant amount of time and money to advance their knowledge and skills through higher education, but do not have an academic credential to reflect this investment.
Data gathered by the Colorado Department of Higher Education indicates over 25,000 Coloradans may be eligible for an associate degree under CORE. By offering qualifying stop-out students an earned associate degree for credits already completed, institutions participating in CORE can:
- Enable degree recipients to obtain higher paying jobs and more secure employment, which will improve economic prospects for these former students and their communities.
- Increase the number of Coloradans with academic credentials and degrees, which will strengthen the state’s workforce and support the economic recovery of the business community.
- Better position degree recipients to return to higher education to complete a bachelor’s degree or higher.
CORE in the News
- January 31, 2025 Never Too Late: Former Western Students Earn Degree Through CORE
- June 28, 2024: Colorado law now allows state universities to give associate degrees to former students - Next with Kyle Clark 9News
- June 25: A new program in Colorado recognizes students who didn't complete their bachelor's degree with an associate degree - Colorado Public Radio News
- June 17, 2024: MSU Denver awards associate's degrees to stopped-out students
- March 11, 2024: The Colorado Re-Engaged Initiative: Recognizing Learning for Non-Credential Students
- February 20, 2024: Dropped out of college? New Program can help you - Denver 7 News
- January 22, 2024: Colorado celebrates the first 300 students to get their associate degrees after they dropped out of a four-year university
- January 22, 2024: Governor Polis and the Colorado Department of Higher Education Celebrate First Graduates of CORE Initiative
- December 26, 2023: MSU Denver helps students who dropped out get a degree - 9News Denver
- October 5, 2023: Regents approve associate degrees with the hope of providing new path for CU students to earn credentials
- March 2022: Earning a Degree Without Graduating: Could the Colorado Re-Engaged (CORE) Initiative Be a National Template?
- September 18, 2021: Commentary: Universities, including CU, should embrace offering an associate degree
- July 26, 2021: Colorado will allow four-year colleges to grant associates degrees to those who dropped out. Will more students go back for a bachelor’s?
Video of Support by Governor Jared Polis
Program Overview
For Four-Year Institutions
Relevant Legislation
CORE Initiative Fact Sheet
Working Group Guidelines and Recommendations
Source Legislation
Overview Presentation
Responses to Common Concerns
HB23-1262 "Expanding Student Eligibility for the CORE Initiative"
FAQ for Students
Letter of Support to Colorado's Universities
Four-Year Universities Currently Participating in the CORE Initiative – with Contact Information
- Colorado State University - Fort Collins
Office of the Registrar
- Colorado State University – Pueblo
Phillip Schulz
Adult Learning/PLA Lead Specialist
Division of Extended Studies
- Fort Lewis College
Kris Greer
Associate Provost
- Metropolitan State University
Darla Sprinkle Renke
Assistant Registrar, Degree Evaluation
Office of the Registrar
- University of Colorado – Denver
Todd Deese
Sr. Associate Registrar
CU Denver Registrar’s Office
- University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
Office of the Registrar
(719) 255-3361- University of Northern Colorado
Office of the Registrar
Phone: 970-351-4862
- Western Colorado University
Meagan Tracey (she/her)
Student Reengagement Coordinator
Registration and Advising ServicesWestern Colorado University