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CCHE Advisory Committee

Legislative Advisors

  • Representative Michael Carter, House Majority Appointment
  • Representative Meghan Lukens, House Majority Appointment
  • Senator Jeff Bridges, Senate Majority Appointment
  • Senator Janice Marchman, Senate Majority Appointment
  • Representative Mary Bradfield, House Minority Appointment
  • Senator John Carson, Senate Minority Appointment                                                                                           

Subject Matter Advisors

  • Dr. Melinda Piket-May, Faculty Representative
  • Mr. Mark Cavanaugh, IHEC Representative 
  • Mr. Mark Superka, Institutional Finance Representative
  • Dr. Michael Lightner, Academic Council Representative 
  • Ms. Danielle Ongart, K-12 Representative 
  • Ms. Jamie Viefhaus-Zak, Parent Representative
  • Ms. Leilani Domingo, Student Representative, Colorado Mesa University