The Career Launch Grant was launched in Fall 2023. It provides grant funding to organizations to provide to students who are pursuing credentials connected to Colorado’s Top Jobs. Colorado’s Top Jobs are defined by the Colorado Talent Pipeline report as being high-demand fields that offer a livable wage.
In 2023-2024, 16 organizations a total of $1,554,610 in funding. Organizations must provide a 1:1 match generating over $3 million in scholarship dollars for students. Organizations awarded will provide students with connection to career services to help students transition into the workforce. Many of those awarded also provide work-based learning opportunities for students such as internships, apprenticeships, and connection to industry partners. Over 750 students will receive scholarship funding through this program.
- 2024 - 2023 Awards
In Fall 2024, the COSI Board approved $1,460,787.30 to 17 organizations for its Career Launch program. This two-year grant program requires a 1:1 match and focuses on increasing the number of students pursuing careers in high-demand fields. When leveraging the match, partners will distribute approximately $2.9M in scholarships to support over 770 students.
Here is the full list of awards:
Adams County Education Consortium: $60,000.00
Clear Creek Schools Foundation: $20,000.00
Colorado Mountain College Foundation: $100,000.00
Denver Scholarship Foundation: $250,000.00
Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance: $158,472.00
Elevations Foundation: $52,631.00
Latin American Educational Foundation: $210,000.00
Peak Education: $41,000.00
Pikes Peak State College Foundation: $30,000.00
Project Self-Sufficiency of Northern Colorado: $110,526.30
Sims-Fayola Foundation: $10,000.00
University of Colorado Foundation - UCCS (Engineering): $100,000.00
University of Colorado Foundation - UCCS (Nursing): $100,000.00
University of Northern Colorado Foundation: $80,000.00
Western Colorado University Foundation: $50,000.00
YouthPower 365: $25,000.00
- 2023 - 2024 Awards
The following organizations were awarded FY23-24 Career Launch grant funding to provide scholarships to students pursuing credentials in high-demand fields:
- Americas Association for the Care of Children (dba Empowering Communities Globally): $208,340
- Arapahoe Community College Foundation: $75,000
- Clear Creek Schools Foundation: $20,000
- Colorado Mountain College Foundation: $150,000
- Colorado Mesa University Foundation: $75,000
- Colorado Women’s Education Foundation: $51,250
- Denver Scholarship Foundation: $236,120
- Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges: $70,000
- Latin American Education Foundation: $175,000
- Northeastern Junior College Foundation: $30,000
- Peak Education: $70,000
- Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation: $100,000
- Technical College of the Rockies: $20,000
- University of Colorado Foundation (UCCS): $97,230
- Weld Legacy Foundation (Bright Futures): $166,670
- YouthPower 365: $10,000
- Americas Association for the Care of Children (dba Empowering Communities Globally): $208,340