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COSI Program Review & Redesign

College woman smiling in cap and gown next to the COSI Achieve logo


The COSI Achieve grant pairs funding for scholarships with holistic support services, ensuring that all students participating in the program receive both. The program is a result of COSI's Program Review & Redesign, a project that began in 2023 which aimed to combine two of COSI's grant programs: Matching Student Scholarship and Community Partner Program - Postsecondary.  

After exploring many possibilities and receiving feedback from current COSI grantees, COSI Board members, and Stakeholders, COSI is releasing its Request for Proposals for COSI Achieve. The program will support providers representing Colorado Public Institutions of Higher Education and Non-Profit Organizations:

The COSI Review & Redesign is a four-phase process. We are now in Phas3 3: Application Phase. Please note that interested eligible organizations will need to apply this application in order to be eligible for funding over the four-year award period. 

Interested organizations should review the timeline and get involved in COSI's technical support offerings listed below.


Ask a question about COSI Achieve

 Shows the 4 phases of the COSI Program Redesign. Phase 3 is highlighted showing the application phase which includes the release of the request for proposal and proposal support

COSI Board Decisions & Updates

September 18, 2024, Board Meeting 

July 18, 2024, Board Meeting 

The Board approved the following items at the September 18, 2024 meeting. 


  1. The total amount of funds available for the joint program. 

  1. The Board approved $8.5M annually for the joint program.  


  1. IHE pool funding  

  1. A total of $6.1M in IHE funds 

  1. Weighted Factors to determine institutions. 

  1. 35% Up to 250% Pell-eligible headcount  

  1. 1% Area Technical College Adjustment  

  1. 25% Community College Adjustment  

  1. 25% Equity Adjustment  

  1. 14% Rural Adjustment  

  1. Minimums 

  1. All institutions are eligible for a minimum of $75K allocation to support 50 students.  

  1. Institutions with more than 1000 students and up to 250% Pell-eligible will receive a minimum allocation of $225K to support 150 students. 


  1. NPOs pool funding 

  1. A total of $2M in funding pool.  

  1. 50 students minimum.  

  1. Receive $ 1,000 per student for scholarships  

  1. Receive $500 per student for wraparound supports  


  1. Click here for funding and allocation breakdowns.  


The Board approved the following items at the July 18, 2024, COSI Board Retreat.   


  1. Funding Model: Separating IHE and NPO pools of funding  


  1. IHE pool funding factors  

  1. 250% Pell-eligible headcount  

  1. Area Technical College Adjustment  

  1. Community College Adjustment  

  1. Equity Adjustment  

  1. Rural Adjustment  


  1. NPO pool funding factors  

  1. Based on the estimated expected students served  

  1. Receive XXXX per student for scholarships  

  1. Receive XXXX per student for wraparound supports  


  1. Supplemental Funding  

  1. 5% one-time  

  1. 3% annual increase in personal budget 


We anticipate the COSI Board will vote on the following at the September meeting.  

  • The total amount of funds available for both pools (IHE and NPO)  

  • The percentage amounts for each of the IHE factors  

  • The amounts for each of the CBO factors 


Carefully review the proposal timeline, as late submissions and incomplete proposals will not be accepted.  


Proposal Period Dates  

RFP Release 

January 2025  

COSI Technical Assistance Proposal Support: Round 1 

February - June 2025 

Proposal Portal Open for Pre-Proposals 

May 5, 2025 

Pre-Proposal Due 

June 29, 2025 

Availability of Additional Funding Announced  

July 14, 2025 

COSI Technical Assistance Proposal Support: Round 2  

July-August 2025 

Proposal Portal Opens for Full Proposals 

July 28, 2025 

Proposals Due  

September 1, 2025  

COSI Advisory Board Meeting 

November 2025 

Notification of Award  

December 2025 

COSI Technical Assistance Program Design Phase 

January -June 2026  

COSI Achieve Award Period Begins  

July 1, 2026 


Website Series

The table below outlines the schedule for live, remote opportunities to engage with the COSI staff as a part of Round 1 of the COSI Achieve TA series. Organizations considering submitting a proposal should plan on attending. 





February 13, 2025, at 10 am 

A virtual informational webinar for all organizations. The webinar will be recorded. 

February 21, 2025 

IHE-10 am 

NPO-1 pm 

Virtual informal Q & A sessions by organization type.  

February 28, 2025 

NPO-10 am 

IHE-1 pm 

Virtual informal Q & A sessions by organization type.  


Regional Workshops

The table outlines opportunities to engage with COSI staff in person across Colorado as part of Round 1 of the COSI Achieve TA series. The in-person workshops will provide an opportunity for current COSI grantees, new organizations, and their partners to work with COSI staff and review program design and proposals.  

We encourage organizations to work across departments, develop design teams, and bring everyone together to discuss and ensure a shared understanding of the program changes and their impacts on current and future programming.  

Registration is required for these events. Please use this link to register for one or more workshops. 




March 13, 2025 

9 am-4 pm 

Community College of Aurora 

March 26, 2025 

9 am-4 pm 

Red Rocks Community College 


9 am-4 pm 

TBD: Southern Colorado 

April 28, 2025 

9 am-4 pm 

University of Northern Colorado 

May 16, 2025 

9 am-4 pm 

Colorado Mountain College-Glenwood Springs 





Resources on the Google Drive