The Behavioral Health Incentive Program provides financial incentives to rural and low-income Colorado students to obtain a credential in certain behavioral health programs of study. Implemented by SB21-137, $9 million was dedicated for this effort from the federal American Rescue Plan Act. The…
Harnessing innovation is not only a goal of the Colorado Commission of Higher Education—it is integral to meeting the needs and ambitious vision necessary to supplying an educated workforce of the future. Nearly three in four jobs in Colorado require some education beyond high school, which…
The Career Launch grant is designed to provide tuition support to students via matching funds for community scholarships so that tuition costs are not a barrier to entry, to reduce the currently unmanageable amount of student loan debt, and to create a…
CollegeInvest provides a variety of savings options that meet the needs of Colorado families, regardless of saving and investment preferences. CollegeInvest provides expert information, simple financial planning tools, and tax advantaged 529 college savings plans to help Coloradans achieve their…
Make Your Education Work for You.What Is A Collegiate Apprenticeship?Colorado is building a new pathway toward career-focused higher education. An apprenticeship is an opportunity to receive hands-on career training, an education and a paycheck. We’re focused on building pathways in critical…
GEAR UP is a national, federally funded pre-collegiate grant program designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. GEAR UP is an acronym that stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness For Undergraduate…
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the recent CDHE cybersecurity incident, the Reverse Transfer process has been significantly delayed. We are diligently working on a solution with the Colorado institutions of higher education and will provide updates when available. Thank you for your patience.Reverse Transfer…
Individuals that wish to pursue a college degree and have been released from the Division of Youth Services (DYS) commitment facility within the last 5 years may be eligible for up to $5,000 each year toward the cost of education. Choose among many college and career path options, including a…
COSI provides multi-year grants throughout the state to provide funding toward programs that help prepare students for postsecondary education, as well as support them through completion. Annually approximately 20 postsecondary programs and 40 rural high school…
Concurrent and dual enrollment programs allow high school students in Colorado to enroll in postsecondary institutions and earn credit towards graduation. There are several programs available, some of which offer tuition reimbursement by the school district. For more information on the programs…
COSI's Youth Mentorship Scholarship Program awarded grant funding to four organizations to provide scholarships to college students in exchange for mentorship services. In 2023, SB23-149 created the COSI youth mentorship assistance grant pilot program and…
The FosterEd program pays for the total cost of attendance for qualifying students who attend public institutions of higher education within Colorado. This state-funding program pays for the remaining balance of the total cost of attendance after scholarships, grants, and other financial…
Statewide plan for awarding college credit for work-related experience. The act requires the department of higher education to conduct a study concerning awarding academic credit for prior learning within all state institutions of higher education (institutions).
An existing council charged with…
Student Educator/Counselor Stipend ProgramThe student educator stipend program awards money to an eligible student to compensate them for their clinical experience in an academic residency position. Candidates placed in a 16-week academic residency may receive a stipend of up to $11,000, and those…
Matching Student Scholarship Grants are intended to solicit applications from eligible counties and institutions of higher education to increase the amount of scholarship giving available for postsecondary students in Colorado. The initiative partners with local programs, matching new scholarship…
HB17-1004 (Awarding College Credit for Military Education and Training) mandated institutions of higher education to adopt and implement prior learning assessment (PLA) policies for awarding academic credit for college-level learning acquired while in the military. Colorado faculty reviewed Joint…
My Colorado Journey is a free, groundbreaking statewide platform that connects you to work, education, support services and action planning. Charting your path to what’s possibleColorado state agencies—from workforce development, education and human services—have teamed up to provide you…
The Path4Ward Program, established by SB21-106, is a pilot program allowing students from low-income households who graduate early from participating high schools to receive funding for postsecondary education or training programs during what would have been their fourth year of high school.…
Through regional and state-to-state student access programs, students may gain affordable access to institutions in another state.
Stackable Credential Pathways During the 2022 legislative session, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 22-192 to improve access to quality credentials of value in the workplace and create greater alignment between credentials and work-based learning. The law mandates that CDHE work with…
StudyColorado is an initiative of the State of Colorado, its institutions of higher education and the Colorado business community. StudyColorado’s primary purpose is to promote the internationalization of Colorado’s campuses.Colorado offers many higher education options – from small…
The College Opportunity Fund (COF), created by the Colorado Legislature, provides a stipend to eligible undergraduate students. The stipend pays a portion of the total in-state tuition when attending a participating college.Eligible undergraduate students must apply, be admitted and enroll in…
These agreements allow you to graduate from a community college with a 60-credit Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree, enroll with junior status at a university and complete the bachelor’s degree in no more than an additional 60 credits (for a total of 120 credits).Note: …