The funding allocation formula is an integral part of Colorado's commitment to postsecondary education. The current funding formula was created by House Bill 20-1366. The goals of the current funding formula are to:
- Increase the number of Coloradans earning a high-quality postsecondary credential;
- Increase the rate of participation of low-income and currently underrepresented minority students;
- Incentivize state institutions of higher education to achieve the policy goals adopted by the General Assembly and Colorado Commission on Higher Education Strategic Plan;
- Ensure tax dollars are being used to achieve state goals, higher education must be funded in a manner that is transparent and understandable; and
- Establish performance metrics that are consistent, predictable, and focused on improved performance.
In Colorado, institutions are funded at the governing board level, not the institution level. For governing boards with more than one institution, the governing board receives funding and the uses its discretion to allocate it to member institutions.
The current formula has been used to distribute General Fund to institutions in Colorado in the following school years: 21-22, 22-23, 23-24, 24-25, and (prospectively) 25-26. Between FY20 and FY25, state funded operating support distributed through the formula increased 47%. Over that same period, the average tuition and fees for resident undergraduate students increased by approximately 16%.
Funding Formula Feedback
The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) collected feedback regarding the funding formula via a public survey available December 18, 2024 through January 20, 2025. The feedback is currently being reviewed and analyzed. Findings will be publicly shared at the February 7, 2025 CCHE meeting.
- The Current Funding Formula
The current funding formula uses three steps to distribute funding to institutions:
- Step 1: The Commission may recommend additional funding in Step 1 to add to the base funding for progress toward strategic plan goals. This step is optional.
- Step 2: The Commission shall calculate performance funding for each governing board based on the rate of change over time on each performance metric. This step is required.
- Step 3: The Commission may recommend additional temporary funding to make progress toward the strategic plan goals. This step is optional. No funding has been recommended through Step 3 since the implementation of the current allocation model.
Most higher education funding flows through Step 2. Step 2 of the current performance funding model utilizes eight metrics aligned with the 2020 strategic plan. Each performance metric is weighted to determine the relative influence on the funding recommendations. To learn more about how each performance metric is calculated, click here.
Each performance metric measures improvement over time within each governing board by averaging the most recent four years of progress and dividing it by the average of the most recent three years of progress. This rate of change is then multiplied by the governing board’s role and mission share. The role and mission share are determined by the share of total appropriation in the previous fiscal year.
To learn more, CDHE prepared this presentation about how the current formula operates. You can also access this video of the Commission Retreat from July 25, 2024, for a detailed description of how the formula works.
- Funding Formula Review Process
§ 23-18-307 (2)(a), C.R.S. directs the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) to review the funding formula established in §23-18-303.5 every five years, with the first report to the governor, Joint Budget Committee and education committees of the Senate and House. This funding formula review is due by November 1, 2026. As part of this formula review process, statute allows the Commission to convene one or more meetings with interested parties to discuss the existing funding model and to learn of issues raised by interested parties. Additionally, statute directs the Commission to engage directly with the institutions of higher education as part of this review and analysis of the current performance funding model.
At the September 5, 2024, CCHE meeting, the Commission voted to begin reviewing the current funding formula.
Process for Review
CCHE voted to establish a Formula Review Working Group at the October 24, 2024, CCHE meeting. CCHE will convene the following 25 participants for the Formula Review Working Group:
Institutional Representatives
- Adams State University – President David Tandberg, Ph.D.
- Colorado Mesa University – President John Marshall
- Colorado School of Mines – President Paul Johnson, Ph.D.
- Fort Lewis College – President Steven Schwartz
- Metropolitan State University of Denver– President Janine Davidson, Ph.D.
- University of Northern Colorado – President Andy Feinstein, Ph.D.
- Western Colorado University – President Brad Baca
- University of Colorado System – President Todd Saliman
- Colorado State University System – Chancellor Tony Frank, Ph.D.
- Colorado Community College System – Chancellor Joe Garcia, J.D.
- Aims Community College – Chuck Jensen (designee for President Leah Bornstein, Ph.D.)
- Colorado Mountain College – President Matt Gianneschi, Ph.D.
- Area Technical Colleges – Ed Bowditch (designee for ATCs)
Government Representatives
- Senate Education Committee – Senator Paul Lundeen, Senate Minority Leader
- House Education Committee – TBD
- Governor’s Policy Office – Jessica Kostelnik, Senior Policy Advisor
- Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) – Rebecca Tyus, Senior Budget and Policy Analyst (designee for Mark Ferrandino, Director)
- President of the Senate – Senator James Coleman, Senate President
- Speaker of the House – Representative Julie McCluskie, Speaker of the House
- Government Technical Advisor
- Joint Budget Committee Staffer – Amanda Bickel, Chief Legislative Analyst
Agency Representatives
- CCHE Commissioner – Jennifer Walmer, Chair Colorado Commission on Higher Education
- CCHE Commissioner – Eric Tucker, Ph.D., Chair Finance, Performance, and Accountability Committee
- CDHE Representative – Angie Paccione, Ph.D., CDHE Executive Director
Agency Support Staff
- CDHE Chief Financial Officer: Crystal Collins
- CDHE Chief Policy and Research Officer: Sophia Laderman, Ph.D.
- Meeting Information
The formula review committee working group will meet monthly from December 2024 through July 2025. Feedback from the working group will be shared with the Colorado Commission on Higher Education supporting the development of a report on the
The funding formula will be discussed by CCHE at CCHE meetings; at the Finance, Performance, and Accountability Committee meetings; and at the Formula Review Working Group. Each of these meetings are subject to open meetings laws and will be posted on the CCHE website.
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date/Time Agenda & Materials Meeting Link Meeting Recordings Wednesday, December 18, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PMAgenda &
PresentationZoom Recording Friday, January 17, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMAgenda &
PresentationZoom Recording Friday, February 14, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMAgenda Zoom Recording Colorado Trustee Network Event:
Higher Education Funding Formula
Follow-up (special meeting)Zoom CANCELED
Friday, March 14, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMFriday, April 18, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMZoom Friday, May 16, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMZoom Friday, June 20, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMZoom Friday, July 18, 2025
12:30 PM - 2:30 PMZoom - Resources
- Colorado Higher Education Funding Modeler
- SHEEO Funding Formula Review Best Practices Document
- CDHE Funding Formula General Overview
- CDHE Funding Formula Video Overview (from CCHE July 25, 2024 retreat)
- Colorado Performance Funding Overview and Data Definitions 2025-26
- Meeting #1 Presentation
- Funding Formula Public Survey Results
- Funding Formula Public Survey Results Presentation